I like to capture images of the city in the off hours when the streets are deserted. New Year's day was warm for upstate New York at 50º. The warm temperatures provided an opportunity to shoot without numb fingers. In New England, warm days in January are a gift. The city of Troy, NY was deserted when I snapped this photo [
below] of a downtown alleyway's wet pavement and streetlights.
A few months back, stencil artist Joe Iurato remixed a few of my images into paintings. The image below entitled
Night Climber is featured as the lead image in the current issue of Alpinist Magazine's column
The Climbing Life. Congratulations to Joe on the publication of his illustration. I've worked with fellow artists before, providing image reference and stock photography, but I think Joe's painting is a great example of possibilities that photography can provide for fine artists and illustrators. I find it fascinating to see something that I've created turned into something completely different, while retaining its original character and intent.
You can see more of Joe's work at his website:
You can visit Alpinist Magazine's site at:
www.alpinist.comPhotos: © 2010 John Bulmer Photography
Paintings/Stencil Images: © 2010 Joe Iurato
Magazine Layout and Cover Image: © Alpinist Magazine