Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dancing Before the Storm | 13 Years Later

13 Years Later: Dancing Before the Storm // August 27, 2011

They danced before the storm.

Troy, New York was alive that night, with salsa music echoing off the hundred year old bricks of Monument Square, adding a sense of warmth and ease to the evening. Couples moved to the rhythm on the cobblestones, enjoying the moment as the band played on, seemingly indifferent to the clouds forming in the west. People meandered by, window shopping, enjoying their meals outdoors, as if the night might last forever.

Within the next day, Hurricane Irene had swept up the Hudson Valley, leaving floods and damage in its path. Irene began as a tropical wave off the coast of Africa, gaining strength as it crossed the Caribbean and brushed the Bahamas. By the time it reached New York, it had weakened to a tropical storm, but its impact was still significant. The storm stretched over 1,100 miles wide and left over 7 million people without power as it moved up the coast.

The Hudson rose, covering Front Street with a thick layer of mud that lingered after the water receded. Irene dropped more than 10 inches of rain in some areas, causing rivers and streams to overflow, washing away roads and bridges, and isolating entire communities. The storm caused over $15 billion in damages across the U.S., with New York heavily affected.

For days, the waterfront in Troy was marked by wheel tracks cut through the mud, leaving scenes reminiscent of the dirt streets of the 1800s—a constant reminder of the storm that had passed, and how quickly a place can change after a night that seemed so ordinary.

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography, John Bulmer Media, and Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved

Sunset in Easton, New York | 08.26.2024

Sunset in Easton, New York | 08.26.2024

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography, John Bulmer Media, and Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sunrise Over Nipper | 08.24.2024

Sunrise Over Nipper
| 08.24.2024
Albany, New York

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Sunrise Over the Sunflower Fields of Rensselaer County | 08.21.2024

Sunrise Over the Sunflower Fields of Rensselaer County
Johnsonville, New York 

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Oakwood Gargoyle Sunrise | 08.02.2024

Oakwood Gargoyle Sunrise | 08.202.2024

The gargoyle atop the Gardner Earl Memorial Chapel tower in Oakwood Cemetery keeps watch as the sun rises.

Gargoyles originally served as water spouts to protect buildings from rain damage. Symbolically, they were seen as protectors, warding off evil spirits and reminding people of the dangers of sin. Their fearsome appearances were meant to scare away harmful forces while blending the sacred and the profane in medieval thought.

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Monday, August 19, 2024

Girl at Open-Air Market | Noord, Aruba

Girl at Open-Air Market | Noord, Aruba 

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The First Rays of Sun in Saratoga County | 08.14.2024

 The First Rays of Sun in Saratoga County | 08.14.2024

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Dawn Over Lake George | 09.09.2024

Dawn Over Lake George | 08.09.2024
Lake George Village, New York 

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Nipper Stands Strong in Post-Tropical Storm Debby | 08.09.2024

 Nipper Stands Strong in Post-Tropical Storm Debby
| 08.09.2024

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Perseid over the Grafton Peace Pagoda | 08.11.2024

Perseid Meteor over the Grafton Peace Pagoda | 08.11.2024

The Perseid meteor shower typically peaks between August 11 and August 13 each year. During this time, the meteors can be seen at their highest frequency, often with rates of up to 60-100 meteors per hour under ideal conditions, especially in areas with dark skies away from city lights. The best viewing times are usually after midnight and before dawn.

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Alfred E. Smith Building Morning Light | 08.01.2024

Alfred E. Smith Building Morning Light | 08.01.2024
Albany, New York

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved  

Washington Park Rain | 07.31.2024

Washington Park Rain | 07.31.2024
Albany, New York 

© 2024 John Bulmer Photography + Nor'easter Films
All Rights Reserved