John Bulmer Photography is proudly offering the gold standard in wedding album production, Italy's GraphiStudio.
"I am very excited to be working with GraphiStudio. Their products are legendary and there is little doubt you won't be blown away by what they can do. I have worked in the design field since 1993. While today I am a full time professional photographer, I still design professionally. In the last two decades, I have designed local and national print campaigns and collateral, websites, logos, and packaging. My skills allow for a totally unique and timeless album design that you will cherish for years. Wedding albums don't have to be all script, brushstrokes, and flowers. I can convey your personality without being cliche." -John Bulmer
From GraphiStudio's Website:
About the Wedding Book
The first Wedding Book was launched to the public in the spring of 1997. Wedding magazines described it as the best wedding momento that has ever been produced. Photographic publications referred to it as a revolution in this sector which also sets a new quality standard. The fame of the Wedding Book soon spread internationally and it was not long before Graphistudio received requests from other European countries as well as USA, Australia and Japan. The novel idea had a growing impact at the world wide level but it also needed to be protected through international patents. The Wedding Book was presented at international fairs including New York, Atlanta, Tokyo, Barcelona, Athens, Rome and Vienna. Photographers everywhere were impressed by the Graphistudio Wedding Book. In achieving this goal Graphistudio had been repaid for the first ten years of their product.
© 2010 John Bulmer Photography | 1.866.317.6777
www.bulmerphotography.com | www.johnbulmerimages.com | www.throwingpixels.com
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